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Shhhhhhhh.  I am trying to be invisible for a little while…Is it working?  Blake’s 16th birthday party which we  thought was going to include five guys ended up being fifteen.  Good thing I made lots and lots of spaghetti.  Seriously, this is my son.  Mr. Spontaneous, the more the merrier.  Where the does he get that???? 🙂 Never, ever a dull moment…

This was determined by Blake to be a “gentleman’s party”.  I guess because of the cigars.  So everyone showed up in their dress clothes.  A couple even donned glasses and fake moustaches.  Blake wanted dim lighting and candles (that’s my boy!) and wanted it to be somewhat sophisticated.  Well, as sophisticated as you can be with spaghetti and fake facial hair…

They inhaled enormous amounts of spaghetti in about 90 seconds (I am a little famous among Blake’s friends for my homemade sauce, I can’t lie…).  And I am trying to remember why on earth I thought it made sense to spend hours cleaning the house today.   But I think we made it through the minute and a half meal with no new stains on the carpet or pasta on the walls.   And there is not enough garlic bread in the world to feed fifteen teenage boys.

After cake and ice cream (again, swiftly inhaled), Mark took them all out to have their first cigar.  He got permission from each of the guys’ parents of course.  Each parent is secretly hoping that they will get horribly ill from this experience 🙂  So my back yard is filled with wanna be men performing some type of “coming of age” thing.  They are having a blast and feeling very grown up.  The great part is that they are loving having Mark out there with them, joking, laughing and showing them ‘how it’s done”. 

So this is why I am hiding in my quiet little room.  This is a guys night and I did my part by appealing to their tummies and palates.  I am no longer needed.  Which is a good thing, cuz I’m not sure what was stronger out there – the cigar smell or the amount of testosterone in the air. 

When they come in from being “men” they will  return to being boys…playing video games, eating me out of house and home and laughing hysterically. And I will be a little sad at the thought that this will be one of the last times that these guys will be all together before we move.  But I am thankful that each one came into our lives and added their own flavor of smiles. oh, the doorbell just rang and five more “gentlemen” showed up…sigh…smile…

Boys….gotta love ’em 😉

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