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There is something so endearing and heart warming about the laughter among your children.  Hearing them enjoying each other’s company and giggling about things that are funny to them alone.  I remember sitting and listening when my kids were little while they...

But Today…

Happy Thanksgiving!!!! It’s funny how things change as we get older (a phrase we only use when we ARE older!). The things that we are thankful for shift more and more from things of the hands and the head – things we touch and know – to things of the...

Not About The Menu

(I wrote this three years ago at Thanksgiving time.  I was trying to write something new this morning, but find myself too excited and distracted by the baking and cleaning that needs to be done.  So this will have to do for today 🙂  Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!) Sitting...


Time to add a new recipe to the Thanksgiving favorites!  Made this this morning and I think it’s gonna be something fun to give away this Christmas, too!  And gluten?  Nope! 1 cup butter (2 sticks) 1 cup brown sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 cup chocolate chips 1/2...

Outside The Box

There is one thing I envy about men. Not that as they age they become better looking and more dignified.  (Although, that really isn’t fair.) Not that they can sleep through a crying newborn on any surface available. (Though, that isn’t fair, either.) Not...