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A Lesson From A Flower

The following are some thoughts I’ve had today about flowers and what we can learn from them…I warn you that this will probably be pretty random… 🙂 I was looking at the flowers out on my front porch, the ones who are most exposed to the elements....

Papa Dear…

First a note from Grandma, and just now a note from my father in law – aka Papa J.  This dear man whom I love like my second father, takes the time each day to read my blog and actually enjoys it!  Which hardly computes for me, since he is such a studier of...

Oh, Grandma… :-)

Just got a note from my precious grandma.  She is a phenomenal woman.  She is ninety, but you’d swear she isn’t a day over 60.  (Right, grandma? :-)) Grandma and I have always had a special relationship – kindred spirits for sure.  She is feisty and...

So Much Fun!!!

I just got back from redecorating my friend’s house, and fun is not a strong enough word!  I was the only one there, as she and her daughter were at work.  And I went to town! The entire time, before and during, I was praying that God would use my hands and...

New Look, New Start

Heading to my friend’s house today to do a  little love update at her house…my prayer is that what I do there will not just produce a new look, but a fresh start.  Pray for me…

Come Sit With Me For A Minute

Hey, it’s me… I saved you a spot… Thought we could just sit and chat for a few… We’d start off by sharing some M & M’s… (I would tell you that the new pretzel ones are too good for words…) You could tell me what...