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First a note from Grandma, and just now a note from my father in law – aka Papa J.  This dear man whom I love like my second father, takes the time each day to read my blog and actually enjoys it!  Which hardly computes for me, since he is such a studier of God’s word.  I feel that I have nothing of value that he could glean from my simple writings.  But apparently God does use the “simple” and the “foolish” sometimes.  Isn’t that just like God????

Thanks for your precious encouragement, Papa!  It means so very much coming from you and Mama J.  I love you both dearly and am so thankful that I can call you guys mom and dad 🙂

Millions of hugs and kisses,


Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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