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Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

It’s funny how things change as we get older (a phrase we only use when we ARE older!).

The things that we are thankful for shift more and more from things of the hands and the head – things we touch and know – to things of the heart – relationships and the mystery of deeper, more spiritual and meaningful things.  I like to think that it’s because we are one step closer to the reality of eternity and our hearts and souls are being prepared for their leap into the rich and unfathomable.

That one day reality holds for me a mansion in heaven in the presence and love of my King.  But today I am thankful for a home filled with people who love me immensely and whom I love fiercely right back.

One day I’ll walk streets of gold with new friends and old with all of eternity to share hearts with.  But today I am thankful for precious friends who share this path with me through the thick and thin of life.

One day I’ll have the privilege of seeing family members who have entered eternity ahead of me and we will share a breathtaking reunion.  But today I am thankful for the immediate and extended incredible family that God has so graciously placed me in.

One day I’ll have the honor of meeting for the first time the characters from the Old Testament and the friends of Jesus in the New Testament whose stories I’ve heard and attempted to follow all my life.  But today I’m thankful for the written words of Scripture that give me their insight and lessons.

And one amazing day, I will see my Jesus face to face in all of His glory.  I will feel His embrace, distinctly hear His voice, and forever live in the wonder of His presence.  But today I am thankful for the reality of His hand in and on my life and for the promise that He loves me beyond comprehension and has promised He will never abandon me.

There are so many reasons why my heart and soul long for one day.  But today I am thankful for the reality of what is NOW.  And in that now I will celebrate, sing and live!

Happy Thanksgiving!  May the spirit of this day linger even longer than the leftover turkey…:-)

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xo, jana




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