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My little friends Josiah and Abby are staying with us for a few days while their parents are out of town.  So fun to relive the conversations of eight and ten year olds.  Last night before we fell asleep, little Abby was telling me about her house in California and how wonderful it was, naming all the rooms and describing all the hallways.  Then she told me about their wonderful garden in the back yard where they planted “bulks” and all kinds of other wondrous things.  “And in the middle of the garden,” she said, “was a huge tree.  It looked like an apple tree.  But it was a carrot tree!”  I love it!  More than ever, I wish we all still believed in planting “bulks”  and carrot trees…

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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