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Dreaming in Color

Looked at houses on line last night before I fell asleep.  Found a really fun one, kind of lodgey looking, built in 1978, totally redone.  There were magnificent trees all around.  Beautiful setting.  And then I went inside on the virtual tour…aaaaahhhhh!!!! ...

Put A Fork In Me…

Think I’m done.  Brain is finished. I believe that all creativity has escaped me tonight.  Think I’ll crawl in bed, slyde under the covers and call it a night.  Maybe the creative juices will start flowing again after some sweet dreams and a good...

Dog Tricks

Our dog, Jessie, is really sweet, but most would agree with me that she is as dumb as a box of rocks.  Or maybe half a box.  She is a golden retriever who thinks she is a human and would love to be petted and talked to 24/7.  She knows how to sit and that’s...

The Hands and Words of God

My two love languages are touch and words.  So I guess it makes sense that I have a fascination with the hands and words of God and how He uses them together to do great things… He created the world with His hands and His words (Genesis 1:1, 3 –...

Super Hero?

Last night a tornado came within 10 minutes of our house and then I woke up this morning to find that I had left a candle burning all night.  So in one night I avoided both being swept away by a tornado and having my house burn down.  Does that qualify me as a super...

Tornado Warnings…

So they had us on alert for a few hours tonight in Cave Creek with tornado warnings and apparently one hit ground about 10 minutes from our house…Crazy!  I have never, ever seen or heard rain like I saw and heard tonight! ...