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I went to get a pedicure today (it’s sandal season again, and I was long overdue!).  It’s an awesome little place here in Cave Creek where everyone knows you and the vibe is relaxed and casual.  Usually.

While I was relaxing in my chair, a lady came through the door.  I use that term loosely. She obviously had lost her way from Scottsdale.  She was probably in her late fifties, but it was very difficult to tell as it was clear that she had gotten a lot of “work” done on her perfectly make-uped face.  She announced  loudly that she had just called for an appointment and that the owner had told her to come immediately.  Keep in mind that this establishment is generally done on a “walk in and be served” basis.  Those of us in the chairs knew that high maintenance had just entered the building.

Also keep in mind that everyone who works there is Korean, and most of them speak very little English.  The gal who was lucky enough to have chosen the short straw asked the woman to go and pick out a color.  This was apparently an insult and she made sure that everyone knew she had brought her own color.  (I envisioned that color being black…naughty me…).

She was taken to her chair where she said she liked her water VERY warm.  And then, of course, after putting her feet in the tub declared that it was not warm enough.  Once settled, she asked the owner if he would please get her some magazines.  Only new ones and only a certain type.  The sweet man did his best.  But she took one look at the January date on one of them and said, “What am I going to do with a January magazine” and insisted he put it back.  He brought another and she said that she had no interest in that magazine.

At this point, I realized that my mouth was literally hanging open in shock as I was mouthing the word, “wow!” under my breath.  I had to wipe a drip of blood dripping from my lip coming from the tongue I was biting.  I was appalled.  It’s probably a good thing that someone was giving me a great foot massage at the time so that I couldn’t get up and do something I would regret.

She was literally being catered to, hand and foot.  But then again, so was I, I guess. It was just so strange to see someone demanding it.  Especially in Cave Creek.  I have a terrible poker face and am sure I showed my dismay very clearly, with my newly fresh hot pink toes.  There was some type of point to this story.  For the life of me, I can’t remember it.  But my toes are really happy!

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xo, jana




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