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“Father, take this cup.”

You once said in a garden, alone.

Knowing the pain and suffering you were choosing.

You accepted the cup given

Because of obedience

Because of love

You carried a cross on your back

Beaten and mocked and broken inside and out

And You accepted the cross

Because of obedience

Because of love

You took nails in Your hands and feet

A crown of thorns on Your head

Pain and agony, sin thrown on you, a view of God’s back, death

You accepted the horror

Because of obedience

Because of love

I have tasted just a sip of Your cup

I have felt just a shadow  of the weight of Your cross

I have known the tiniest portion of Your suffering

Help me to accept each part

Because of obedience

Because of love….

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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