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Today I went with Abby to get her hair cut.  She went to see the gal that I went to (and whom I adore!) and had never met her before.  But in true Abby fashion, she walked straight up to Donna introducing herself, talking like she had known her for years.

I sat at a distance, close enough to observe, but far enough away that I only could hear about half of what they were saying.  But it was so fun to be the bug on the wall.  Abby sat in that chair and fully ministered to this gal, listening to her story, empathizing, sympathizing and truly hearing the heart of what Donna was saying.  I smiled as I heard her encourage her and cheer her on.  And I was somewhat amazed.  What could have been an awkward first meeting, was a meeting between two people who will now be friends from this point on.  Abby has a gift of being able to relate to any person of any age and any background.  She will make you feel like you have been her friend for years.  And it was really fun to see again today how God has gifted her with people.

I love you Abby Joy!  Thanks for walking into a new place and making a stranger into a friend today.  And for making your mama smile….

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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