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I just got done rescuing a tiny bunny….Peter Rabbit was naughty and got into mischief again….

I was down in the basement doing some organizing and heard this strange kind of fluttering sound.  I looked out the window thinking that it was a bird that had flown down into our five foot deep grate area.  But instead, staring back at me, was the cutest little bunny you ever saw!  He was all of about four inches long with the sweetest face.

Now those of you who know me well, know that I am not really an animal person.  I know, I know, it’s terrible.  But I am a sucker for any little baby animal – must be the mama in me.  (if only all animals could stay so cute and little!)  So to see this little guy all alone and jumping with all his might to try and get out of the pit he was in just tugged at my heart.  There was no question.  I had to rescue him.

I ended up putting a ladder down in the pit and climbing in myself to get him out.  And poor little thing was so scared!  He scampered and jumped each time my hand came close.  Once he jumped so hard he bounced off the window and hit me in the face.  So I cupped my hands and as soon as he had cornered himself, I gently scooped him up and held him close to my chest.  He immediately calmed down and snuggled. It was precious.

I brought him in and after talking baby talk to him softly, I placed him in the portable crib in the basement. Jessie, my golden retriever was chewing on a bone and had no idea what I had been holding in my hands.  She was content to lie a few feet away chewing her bone, oblivious to what was so incredibly close.  I continued to talk to the bunny in hushed tones as it got used to its new surroundings.  It was obvious that since he couldn’t still feel my hands around him, he was fearful and skittish again.  So I patiently just sat with him so that he would know that he was safe.

I ran upstairs to get him some lettuce and carrots.  He might still be too small to even eat such things.  But when I came back downstairs, I froze.  There was Jessie, standing stiff and alert, tail straight back, quiet and in hunter mode, staring with her nose against the mesh of the crib.  The bunny was either scared stiff or trying to be invisible, but neither of them moved.  Jessie was barely breathing.  But I looked to see saliva dripping from her mouth onto the floor.  I kept saying, “Be gentle.  This is a baby.”  But to her it was no baby.  To her it was a tasty looking snack.

My docile, wouldn’t hurt a fly, dog went into hunter mode.  I tried to distract her with food.  But it was if she couldn’t even hear me.  She had a plan.  To make lunch of this bunny.  Poor little Peter was defenseless against such a huge predator.  He was scared, even though I was right there and had him in a safe place.  I tried the soft talk again to calm him.

But after a few minutes I had to intervene.  Every time the bunny moved, Jessie would paw at the bed.  So I grabbed Jessie by her collar (though she was very unwilling) and removed her from the situation.  I took her for a long walk to distract her from her growling stomach and drooling mouth.

But it didn’t work.  As soon as we got back she bounded down the stairs to go back to the bunny.  Fortunately, I had closed the door.  But she sat there and waited.  And waited.

I am waiting for my kids to get home and see Peter and then I will have to let this little guy go out into the real world where he belongs…

This was such an obvious analogy for me to watch unfold….  Like the bunny, we wander away and somehow end up in a pit.  Either we are curious and fall in, choose to jump in, someone pushes us in, or we aren’t paying attention and stumble in.  We are trapped in a scary place.   And try as we might to “jump” our way out, we are powerless to get out by ourselves.  We are small and the pit is so big.

And then along comes our precious Father.  He reaches down into the pit, that scary, yucky place and cups His hands around us.  We might be frightened at first.  He is so big.  We are so small,  But when we feel the safety of His hands, the soothing sound of his voice and the beat of His heart, we nestle in.  And He brings us out of the pit, holding us the whole way.

Once we are out of the pit and in a safe place (the crib) we become accustomed to our surroundings and feel content.  But then the Enemy who “roams about like a lion, seeking to devour us” comes sniffing around us (Jessie).  We become fearful, because for whatever reason we don’t sense the presence of God’s hands holding us.  But what we don’t realize is that God is still there.  Right there with us, speaking peace and truth to us.  Keeping us safe.  Protecting us. Even when we can’t see or feel Him.

And when we can’t take any more, He steps in and removes the threat of the enemy.  He provides “a way of escape” (taking Jessie out of the room).  Proving His love and care and strength for us.  And He scoops us back up in His hands and places us exactly where we were meant to be in the first place…

Psalm 18:16 – He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.

(Wish you could see Peter!!!! He is adorable :-))

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xo, jana




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