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Every morning I get up at five to run.  I love the feel of the cool air.  I love the quiet of the darkness.  I love running to my music. I love that I am the only one out there.  I especially love that I am the only one out there.  Especially on days like today….

I was nearly halfway through my run, enjoying the pace, singing to my music.  Ahead was a a thing ( i don’t know what it’s called) across the sidewalk, left there because of all the construction going on in the neighborhood.  I easily clear this every day, pretending I am a hurdler.  (This makes me feel better after my humiliating experience in track in sixth grade!)

So I saw it coming.  No problem.  No problem, that is, until I caught the hurdle with my foot and went flying to the ground.  Nice, hard, concrete.  I had my headphones on, so I know that on my way down, I said, too loudly, “Oh, crap!”  Can I just say, concrete still hurts just as much as an adult as it did when I was five.  Bloody knees, hands, elbows.  Thankful for reflexes and the quick work of my poor hands to keep my face from getting a really hard core exfoliating treatment.

There are a million analogies here about falling.  So obvious.  But I am bleeding all over the computer and my wounds are throbbing, so I think I’m gonna go and find the box of bandaids.  Every other time I wish you were here to experience life with me.  This time, I think it’s better that you weren’t 🙂


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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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