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I hear the song You’re singing over me

The music plays inside my head, I hear its melody

I’m moving to the rhythm, I’m swingin’ to the beat

But I need you to lead this dance cuz I have two left feet

I want to learn the dance of the free

Jesus, can you teach a clumsy girl like me?

I want to dance like there’s no tomorrow

Like I’ve never waltzed with sorrow

Fear and doubt, wallflowers now to me

Guilt and pain can’t bust these moves

Shame and dread can’t find this groove

Jesus lead me in the dance of the free

And Your dance partner I will always be

The music’s getting louder in my ear

It’s drowning out all other noise so only You I hear

You hold out your hand to me and lead me to the floor

When I don’t know the next step, I put my feet on Yours

I want to learn the dance of the free

Jesus, can you teach a clumsy girl like me?

I want to dance like there’s no tomorrow

Like I’ve never waltzed with sorrow

Fear and doubt, wallflowers now to me

Guilt and pain can’t bust these moves

Shame and dread can’t find this groove

Jesus lead me in the dance of the free

And Your dance partner I will always be

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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