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God and creator of all that I know

Painted the heavens, a spectacular show

Brought to life man, from the dust down below

Your hands soiled by the dirt

Extended to me

Will I trust these hands

That carved out the sea?

Jesus my Savior, who died for me

Nailed to the cross, for all to see

Wounded and killed so I could be free

Your hands pierced by the nails

Extended to me

Will I trust these hands

That bled from a tree?

Oh God, my Father, my Abba You are

You welcome me home when I’ve wondered so far

You protect me, defend me, and heal my scars

Your nurturing hands

Extended to me

Will I trust these hands

That hold endlessly?

Jesus, companion, Friend of all friends

Committed and true, faithful to the end

Sharing Your heart, my heart to mend

Your hands that embrace

Extended to me

Will I trust these hands

That always will be?

My God, My Jesus,  sweet Lover of mine

Caressing my heart, making it shine

Pursuing my soul with a love so sublime

Your hands that beckon

Extended to me

Will I trust these hands

That love tenderly?

I look at the hands

And I see the scars

The nail prints still there

Where my sins did mar.

The same hands that embrace

And that comfort my soul

Are the hands that lift me

Whose touch makes me whole

Broken hands that now heal

Are the hands that pursue

The sign language of love

Is how Your hands prove

And so I will trust

In these hands, yes I must

To Your hands I entrust

My life….

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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