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the little guy in the corner

I’ve been sick for most of the past week.  Stuffy, congested, achy.  Most people were compassionate towards my ailment.  But some went the extra mile.  Three specifically.  They introduced me to a friend they thought could help me.  I was skeptical at first.  Who wants to make a new friend when you’re sick?  But my friends were persistent and convincing.  And so, today I introduced myself…

Netie.  Netie Pot to be exact.  Small. Unassuming. But already I can tell we are going to be lifelong friends.  And here’s what I like about Netie…

—She’s not judgmental.  You could totally have something hanging out of your nose and instead of making fun of you for it, she would help you with it.

–She’s kind.  She sees the worst in you (coming out all over the place) but is still there for you through thick (mucus) and thin.

–She’s not a gossip.  She doesn’t stick her nose in other people’s business.  In fact she thrives on letting people stick their nose in her business.

–You just feel better after you’ve spent time with her.  She’s like a breath of fresh air through nostrils that can actually breathe again.

–She’s humble.  She’s not a snot.  But she knows how to deal with those who are.

–She’s a cute little booger.  And she’ll take care of yours.

For those of you, who, like me, have not yet met Netie Pot, she is the answer to all things nasal.  She comes in a box which reads, “The neti pot uses saline solution and the gentle flow of gravity to wash the nasal passages.”  Indeed.   Where once there was a full nose, there is now a full sink.  Neti will literally kick the snot out of you…

So, thanks to Neti, tonight I may be able to fall asleep with my mouth shut.  I may be able to taste my food again.  And I may be able smell the flowers sitting in my kitchen.

Just one short encounter with Neti so far.  But I can already tell this is a match made in heaven…

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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