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Someone hijacked my happy train today.  I was just chuggin’ along, right on track, when someone jumped on my happy train and threatened to take it away.  Not the train.  My happy.

I think that this person had not been on the happy train for quite some time.  They forgot the rules.  Like, that people like to smile and not frown on that train.  That it is a place for kind words and a gentle attitude and a light hearted soul.  That people like to have  pleasant conversations and enjoy a good laugh together.  They definitely forgot all of that.

The seats on my happy train were full of people glad to be there.  And when the hijacker jumped on, my first and natural tendency was to defend my train and my happy and my companions.  To kick that stealer of joy off.   Happy had turned to sad and sad turned to mad. It was happening….the hijacker was winning.  Taking my joy.

Everything in me wanted to lash out.  The happy train would be happy once again if I could just be rid of this intruder.  They didn’t belong.  They had ruined everything.

Or had they?  I was still on the train and though it seemed they had stolen my happy, I remembered that I had an unending supply inside.  I just had to tap into it.  And maybe being on this train was exactly where they needed to be.  Maybe they were plumb out of happy.  Maybe I could share some of mine so they didn’t have to steal it – I would just give it to them.

And suddenly they looked less like a hijacker and more like a sad and lonely person who needed to spend more time here on this train with the happy passengers.

I’m not saying I want to sit in the seat right next to them.  Not yet any way.  But they can ride the happy train any time they want.  And I hope they do want to.  In the meantime, I will keep riding and no matter who jumps on, I don’t need to worry about them stealing my happy.  There’s enough for everyone….

Psalm 118:24 – This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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xo, jana




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