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In the past few years with the economy in the state that it’s been in, we’ve heard the words “lender owned” over and over.  Always with a bad connotation of loss.

But I thought about those two words in a different way today.  And the meaning is anything but negative.

Everything that I have and enjoy in my life is not really mine.  It’s on loan from the Owner of all things.  My family, my relationships, my belongings, my hobbies, my job – everything.  At first thought, that might seem discouraging for someone who likes to be in control of her surroundings.  The “do it myself” in me wants to lay claim to what I do, who I love. To think that it’s actually mine to hold tightly to with all my might.

But as I consider the thought of “lender owned” more deeply, I realize that that is exactly what I want and need.  If I cling to all that I have, then I am trusting in my own hands to hold it all.  Hands that are small and weak and finite.  Exhaustion, desperation and defeat are written all over that scenario.  I am not big enough or strong enough or smart enough or good enough to be in charge, to “own”, all that I’ve been given.

But if I recognize that there are hands bigger than mine and know that everything in my life came from those hands in the first place, it is easier to let go.  There is a comfort in knowing that those hands are cupped around me with everything that I know and love and that He has entrusted all those things to me as long as He, in His infinite wisdom, sees fit.  And if and when those things are taken from me, when my “loan” time has expired, those things may be taken from my hand, but will never leave His.

The recognition that I am not my own, reminds me of so many attributes of my “Lender”.  His love in putting amazing people and opportunities and experiences in my life every day.  His strength and wisdom in working in and through all of those people and things in my life every day.  His infinite understanding and compassion as He loosens my grip every so often.  His tender mercy that forgives me when I reach up to grab control or ownership over and over.  And His incredible sovereignty that holds me and all that I love and “works all things for good” when my fist relaxes and recognizes His ownership.

Even my next breath is a borrowed thing.  Something to be cherished and thankful for, but never taken for granted.  Knowing that my days were counted “before one of them came to be”, should allow me to fully live each one of them.  My time is not up ’til my Precious Lender of life says so.  Until then, I will know that all I am and have is really His any way, and that He holds it softly and strongly.  And so, so ably…

I am Lender Owned…

Psalm 139:16 –  …all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 

Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I Corinthians 6:20 – …for God bought you with a high price.


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xo, jana




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