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Some would say a manic state

Others – OCD

Most would call it crazy

I prefer “creativity”

This drive is not addiction

I can stop it when I want

Just can’t remember exactly how

To turn off these endless thoughts

My body running non-stop

My mind a whirring race

From one project to another

A frenetic, spinning pace

One idea finished

Another springs to life

Barely keeping up

My weary hands still fly

Be careful what you wish for

I’ve often heard it said

Prayed for a new idea

Got multitudes instead

I’m sure that it will wear off soon

My mind will hit a wall

No doubt my body will rebel

And to my bed I’ll crawl

So you can call me crazy

Diagnose my OCD

But let me enjoy my manic state

Of mad creativity….




Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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