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your own personal little apple pie!

I have seen lots of recipes lately on Pinterest that used Pillsbury Crescent Rolls in them.  For dinner last night I made ham and cheese with sweet hot mustard crescent rolls!  They were awesome!  Then I thought about dessert…hmmmmmm…

There are eight sections in a package of crescent rolls.  I spread them out flat on a cookie sheet and sprinkled cinnamon sugar on each section.  Then I cut an apple into eight slices and put one slice in each section.  I then wrapped the crescent roll around the apple and put them in a prepared muffin tin.  I baked them at 375 degrees for 15 minutes.  When they were still hot out of the oven, I poured caramel sauce over the top.  Then I scooped them into bowls and topped with vanilla ice cream!  Quick, easy and delicious individual apple pies!

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xo, jana




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