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This might just be the best dinner you’ve every made, and definitely one of the easiest.  Just throw all these ingredients in a crock pot and cook for seven hours on low.  No kidding.  That easy.  And!  So, so tender and flavorful!  Yummy to the 17th...


“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your body,” 1 Cor. 6:19-20. It struck me the other day how often...

What’s Yours?

Profound things that happen in our lives have an effect on our lives and the lives of others long after they occur. Those kinds of events change us and our perspective. It’s our choice as to whether  that will be a good change or a bad one. Yesterday we met...

Valentine Love Story

Happy Valentine’s Day! No matter what your plans are for this day, whether or not you have a significant other to share the day with or if everything in you cringes at the thought of a day set apart to focus on love, one thing is true.  You are truly, deeply,...


ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT!  I just discovered that who also carries my new book has it on sale for $19.99!   Please, feel free to go for that price!  Maybe then you  can buy one for a friend, too!

I Have An Announcement To Make…

It was a long, long pregnancy…but the day has finally arrived!  The delivery went fairly smoothly and I just gave birth to my very first book!  Weight: Approximately 2 lbs.  Length: About 400 pages. It looks a lot like its mommy and shares a startling...