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Head Versus Heart

The letter of the law vs. the spirit of the law. Ever since mankind broke the one and only rule that existed in Paradise at the beginning of time, there has been a love/hate relationship between humans and the law. When God created Adam and Eve and put them in the...


I had nightmares last night that seemed to last the entire night.  Not the someone’s-trying-to-kill-me type nightmares.   No they were much scarier than that.  They were hormone-induced dreams where I was an emotional train wreck with every event and...


I am my me-est When I am with You My song is its loudest My colors, most true. My insides fall out And my upsides fall down When You make silly smiles From my flipped over frowns. My good parts are better When I give them to You You take all my uglies And make...


I was given a letter last week thanking me for my unique and eccentric personality and  friendship.  In my mind, eccentric has always leaned pretty close in to “weird”.  Hmmmmmmmmmm…. There are many times when I think of myself as strange – not...


Be still my restless, wandering heart Your hope is in your God Though shadows change like  shifting sand Your God, He changes not. My eyes can’t see tomorrow But still I want to run into the vast unseen unknown Where adventure’s not begun. My itchy feet...