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I wonder if all the fairytale princesses ever met up in a support group after coming into true love, fortune and fame?  Each of them carried baggage into their “dream come true”.  What happened after “the end”?  How would the story have gone after that?

Snow White had to have had some issues with men.  One left her abandoned in the woods which ended up putting her at the beck and call of seven messy little men.  She grew up with a stepmother who hated her and wanted her dead.  That’s gotta leave a mark.

And what about Cinderella? Another dysfunctional family with two mean stepsisters and their awful mother.  Once again, no father figure  to love and protect her.  She was basically a slave in her own home.  Did she just fall for the first guy that could come and rescue her?

Sleeping Beauty. She grew up a celebrity living under a microscope. She falls under the spell of a jealous woman and ends up in a coma.  The first time she’s kissed by her “handsome prince” she’s coming out of a deep sleep with probably a really bad case of morning breath. After that long of a nap, her brain asleep for that long, there had to be some cognitive issues.

My point?  We all want the fairytale.  We all think someone else has it.  But we don’t really know what anyone’s whole story is.  We don’t know their history, their background, the details that make up their everyday life.  We don’t know what they’ve been through to get where they are.   We don’t know what they’re currently going through in their “perfect little world”.

We all root for the underdog.  The Snow Whites, the  Cinderellas that beat the odds and find success.  Maybe it’s because we can relate to a struggling character or person.  But we don’t know what to do with them after that. We slap a “the end” on their story and assume they live happily ever after.

But no one’s story is ever really done until they leave this earth.  Reality touches all of us.  The good stuff, the bad stuff and the ugly stuff.

We all have a story.  Some read like drama, some like short stories, others like fairytales.  Everyone just wants their story heard and understood.  We’d be wise to read between the lines of each other’s stories and maybe really listen to the audio version.  It might truly change our perspective on the characters…

The End

Ephesians 4:2 – Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.

James 1:19 –  My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…

Galatians 6:2 – Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.


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xo, jana




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