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blake's bday

Nineteen years ago today, the mother of three precious daughters gave birth to a son.  And her life has never been the same…

I remember for the first several years asking, “Is this normal?  Is this what boys do?”  Everything was so different from the girls.  So much more physical and rough.  Instead of winding down at bedtime, he would wind up.  Anything could become a toy gun – a stick, legos, a kitchen utensil.  Car noises came before words.  Bodily noises were (and are?) constant and an endless source of entertainment.

But there was more to discover about Blake than just being a boy.  He has always been an old soul. A gold soul.  Always knowing things beyond his age.  A sense of humor that rivaled kids ten years older.  Thinking deeply.  And his ability to read people and their character was uncanny.  Without a word, he would know when someone was sad or struggling and would offer the best bear hug you’ve ever felt.

Funny how some things never change.

Happy birthday, bud.  There is no way to describe what you mean to me and how you’ve impacted this mama’s life. It feels to me like you have been a young man for most of your life. Your mind, your heart, your soul are all so beautiful.  Your laughter  is highly contagious and constantly keeps a smile on my face.  Your incredible perspective and insight challenges, intrigues and inspires me.  And your love of family warms my heart beyond words.

I love you, Blakey Boy…homemade spaghetti and yellow cake with chocolate frosting awaits you…

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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