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Just a few glimpses of our weekend at the Peabody Family Reunion…I’m sure there will be more, but this will do for now… 🙂

Britt and Brendan

Britt and Brendan

Blake and Abby

Blake and Abby

Mark and Jeff

Mark and Jeff

Janay and Abby

Janay and Abby

Annika and Abby

Annika and Abby

Cindy and Karin

Cindy and Karin

Grammy, Britt and Janay

Grammy, Britt and Janay

Isaac, Blake and Brendan "jammin' " (Addison was there, too, but  doing percussion just outside the shot.)

Isaac, Blake and Brendan “jammin’ ” (Addison was there, too, but doing percussion just outside the shot.)

musical cousins

musical cousins

the backyard of the place we are staying at

the backyard of the place we are staying at

Met the Biemeck family on our way to take Abby to the airport

Met the Biemeck family on our way to take Abby to the airport

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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