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(Psalm 103 that God spoke to me this morning in my own language.  I hope you read His great love in every word….)

Psalm 103 –

Pour praises all over God, my soul.

Every part of me, wake up and be in awe of Him and His holy name!

Pour thankfulness all over God, my soul,

Remembering everything He has done for me!

He forgives every mistake, failure and purposeful sin.

He heals my heart, mind, body and soul.

He’s saved me from the pit of Hell

And placed a crown on my head in the form of His love, mercy and grace.

He gives me gifts I don’t deserve – little blessings of hope that bring life back into my weary, discouraged bones –

Giving  me such hope that I feel like I could soar as effortlessly as an eagle.

Look, my soul, at what God does for the broken and oppressed!

He brings them justice and makes things right!

He guided and shared His plans with Moses, and all of the Israelites saw Him working.

That’s what He does for me, my soul!

I’ve seen firsthand how patient God is, how little and slow His anger is in comparison to His quick and gigantic love, mercy and grace.

After He corrects He will not continue scolding me.

That’s because He doesn’t give me what I deserve.

Instead, His mercy gives me what I DON’t deserve.

I can’t even comprehend how good and loving He is to those who love Him.

To explain it would be like trying to grab the sky – too big, too vast, above my understanding.

He takes everything, EVERYTHING, my soul, that I’ve done wrong and throws it as far as the east is from the west.

He takes it from me so I am clean again.

He is my compassionate Daddy, so patient with me, His little girl.

He’s the One who made me, remembering I am fragile and prone to mistakes.

And somehow, my soul, He loves me any way.

I know that my small life is like a flower in the middle of a field.

Beautiful but gone in a season.  A blip on the timeline of eternity.

But God isn’t like that, my soul.

He is eternal, never-changing, always there and so is His love.

It will be there for my children, my children’s children and their children after that.

All because I have a relationship with Him and long to please Him.

No matter what happens in this world, my soul, He is still King.

The sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, omni-present King of justice and love.

I know the angels pour their praises on God in heaven with songs too beautiful for my ears on this earth.

And one day everyone will give Him the praise He so very richly deserves.

But until that day, my soul, pour every praise out on Him with everything in me…

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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