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My glue gun broke yesterday.  I know, “first world problems”, but it definitely put a crimp in my ability to make things for my holiday boutique in a couple of weeks. So, I’m gonna have to suck it up and dish out the five bucks it will take to buy a new one. 🙂

When you stop and think about it, glue is kind of amazing.  It has the ability to hold things together that normally aren’t attached. And Gorilla Glue?  Don’t even think about getting a drop of that stuff between your finger and anything else.  It will pull your skin right off – I know of which I speak…

Glue is a bonding agent.  It starts off as a liquid and drys as a solid and changes the two surfaces involved.

I’ve been struck lately by the power of love.  All kinds of love – the love of our children, our spouses, our friends and relatives and love shown to a complete stranger.  There is a “super glue” type bond that happens when genuine love is the shared medium.

I’ve seen strangers become friends in so many ways.  Isn’t that the way we all start out?  None of us know each other at the beginning.  Even a newborn grows to know its mother through the bonding that happens in the womb.

Love is strong.  It can break down walls of fear and isolation and unite souls that were once at odds.  It can take “metal” and “wood” and bring them together to form something new and beautiful.

The thing about glue is, it doesn’t require that both things be the same.  Neither does love.

Which makes it possible for me to love those who are different than me.  Love is stronger than my preferences or my particular tastes.  It can unite me with people that view things differently, respond differently, act differently.

It’s really no wonder that love holds such power because God is love and love comes directly from Him.  Unity is HIS idea.  Relationship started with Him.  Bringing people together makes Him smile.  He loves applying His “glue” and seeing the results of an unbreakable bond.

That powerful glue, that bonding love, is what we get to enjoy from God in our relationship with Him.  He’ll never leave – we’re bonded.  He’s right there with every new step – we’re bonded.  He supports and holds us – we’re bonded.  His love is constant – WE ARE BONDED.

We are in a sticky situation 🙂  Bound by His love with a glue that should be oozing out of us and onto others.  Bringing us closer together and closer to Him.

Colossians 3:14 – And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

1 John 4:19 – We love because he first loved us.

John 17:23 – I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

1 John 4:8 – Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

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xo, jana




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