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I’m beginning a new venture.  A new blog  – – a new venue to explore the vastness and profound absurdity that is the love of God for mankind.  Where heaven meets earth in the glory and grit of grace in the most authentic and personal of ways. As always, there is an opportunity to sign up for the blog so that it automatically comes to you via email.  I invite your feedback, your wisdom, your experience as you walk with me in this new journey to better understand the love of God for us.  My existing blog (an unrehearsed life) will continue and will be devoted to the things that it has been for the past nearly five years.  May God use this new outlet to display and declare His great love in ways that people can see and hear and touch and taste in new ways.  May heaven and earth collide…

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




Thanks for connecting! Check your email for some goodness, arriving soon...