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I know in most parts of the country it’s too early to be considered Spring.

But here in Pleasanton, Spring came early…like all Winter long!  So it seemed like no big deal to pull out the clay pots and pipe cleaners and create some February Flowers today at the nursing home.  A total analogy of beauty in the middle of the “winter” seasons of life.

The ladies seemed to love this craft and even those who had a hard time twisting  the pipe cleaners into petals and stems loved playing with the colors and watching something beautiful come to life to brighten up their rooms.

1888558_10200782203117127_469360074_n 1497033_10200782199157028_1671376444_n 1450712_10200782198357008_1898951324_nP.S. If you haven’t played with pipe cleaners lately, I strongly recommend it.  Waaaaaaaaaay too much fun!

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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