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Heading out for dinner and a “sleepover” at some friends of ours…Tomorrow I head to Skid Row in L.A. with the youth group.  Crazy times and wonderful Jesus!  Too much to write now, but if I am absent for about the next 6 days, you will understand that I will have many stories to share when I get back.  Stories of riches shared in poverty.  Beauty extended to broken.  Lessons learned from those with so little who can teach us so much.  Pray for me as I am driving one of the vans (yes, that is just as scary as you think it is with my driving skills!) that there will be times of great conversations, new relationships and opportunities to stretch out of our comfort zone to do what Jesus asks of us.

Until then….Hugs!!!!



Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




Thanks for connecting! Check your email for some goodness, arriving soon...