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A lump in my throat.

A heart full of emotion, and a mind full of memories, both of which will be spilling out for days to come.

Today we say goodbye.

It seems like just yesterday that we got here and yet it seems like a lifetime ago.

We are changed.

We are impassioned.



A thirst, a wander lust to see what we have seen here, what God is doing, in other places of the world.

An unquenched desire to see these behind-the-scenes miracles in our own backyard.

An endless hunger to be available to God to make a difference, to reflect His light in dark places.

We want to take the extreme graciousness, gentleness and love of the people we have come in contact with here and bring it back to share it through our own hearts back home.

A part of my heart will stay behind, captured by a new love for Cambodia, its people, its needs.

It will linger here where my daughter has found her home, her heart’s calling, her Savior’s plan.

And like never before, I will pray without ceasing….




Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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