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Jeremiah33_3_FLIPAWOOI remember, as a little girl, being so excited to be told a secret by one of my friends.  Finding out something I didn’t know before from someone I cared about.  (Flashes of the images of whispering and giggling behind chubby little hands are playing in my head as I write this.)

As I got older, the secrets between friends morphed into something deeper.  Beyond silly sharing about school girl crushes and note passing.  These “big girl” secrets are now treasures that represent intimacy and trust.  They are a privilege and a responsibility to take in and carry with great care and respect.  They birth conversations, prayer and a deeper connection and bond.

The words “Can I tell you something?” usually precede these precious secrets and the inner goings-on of the heart.

As a young girl, I also learned to share my secrets with God.  He was safe.  He loved me unconditionally.  He wouldn’t betray my confidence.  He didn’t laugh at my hopes or scoff at my silly, girlish dreams.  He was an amazing listener who “GOT” me completely.

But I was well into adulthood before I realized that God wanted to share His secrets with me!

Absurd?  Yes.

Astounding?  An even bigger yes.

I love the verse in Jeremiah –

Jeremiah 33:3-4 – Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand). (Amplified)

God’s secrets were not reserved just for Jeremiah and the other prophets.  When Jesus came, He shared God’s secrets, His truths, with those who saw Him for who He was – the Savior of the world.

John 15:15 –  I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

As in any good friendship, He confided in His disciples and shared deep spiritual truths.  Secrets that those who didn’t believe would not understand.

After Jesus died, rose again and went back to resume His rightful place in heaven, another Friend came.  The Holy Spirit.  To guide, to comfort and to give us insight into the beautiful secrets in God’s word.  To gift us with spiritual eyes, ears and appetites to know God more deeply, more profoundly, more intimately.

John 14:26 – But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

John 15:26 – When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father–the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father–he will testify about me.

The secrets of God.  My mind is blown completely.  Not only is He OUR friend, but He considers us HIS friends if we are in relationship with Him.  Friendship that means access to His heart.  His secrets.  GREAT, MIGHTY, FENCED IN, HIDDEN, UNSEARCHABLE  things.  Things that I could never know or imagine on my own.  His voice in my ear.

I can’t wait for something so amazing to make sense in my head.  That’s never going to happen.

But I can savor every syllable, every sentence, every verse that He whispers to me, heart to heart.

And there is no way that I cannot in every possible way be changed….



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xo, jana




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