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Into The Unknown

I brought my bundle of joy home from the hospital yesterday. I held her close to my chest, more thankful for her than ever before. Never again would I take a single moment with her for granted. I’m speaking, of course, about my MacBook Pro. And just in the nick...

The New Math

Your giftings + your passions – unnecessary fillers = your focused calling. If you can fill in this equation, life clutter can be diminished and your vision can be clearer. Wish I had figured this out long ago.  It would have eliminated a lot of confusion and...

Less Is More….And Less

My word for this year is change and already, just 11 days into 2015, it is already manifesting.  Inside and out, things are happening, clarity is beginning and steps are being taken in areas I have been too afraid to venture into before. Two things that I see have...

Loose Change

Loose change. All those coins. For the most part, we see loose change as a royal pain. So we throw it in a jar and forget about it.It’s out of the way and we don’t have to look at it or feel its weight in our pockets. But if we’re smart, we see that...

Can I Have A Word?

It’s just a word. Until it really isn’t. When that simple word begins to permeate the way you think, how you look at things and the circumstances that introduce themselves into your world. Each January, I ask God for a word that I can take with me for the...

The Difference A Year Can Make….

  As I look back over my list of things I hoped to accomplish in 2014, I realize that in asking for some of those things, I had no way of knowing how those things would be accomplished. Some of them fell flat. I had hoped to have my next book ready for...