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IMG_2441IMG_2443After yesterday’s post, Marcia Robinson, from Washington State (who also happens to be my wonderfully creative aunt!) sent these pictures of things she has created in her gorgeous backyard, made from old pallets and a recycled door.  They are set as splashes of color and intrigue in what she calls her “shade garden”.

What you can’t see in the first picture is that she up-cycled an old shovel, attached it to the pallet wall and added chicken wire and flowers to adorn it. The swing you see in the second picture is actually a bit behind the “open house” entrance into her wonderland of beauty.

Love it, Aunt Marcia!  Thanks for inspiring us with your We-Do/Re-Do projects!

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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