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Call me a tattletale.

I can live with it.

But I’ve just got to tell on Jesus this morning…

This week I got the sweet opportunity to work alongside a precious girl from Cambodia.

She doesn’t look like the other people in her country.

Her skin is fair instead of brown.

Her hair is a rich auburn, not black.

Her eyes sparkle blue in a sea of otherwise brown/black eyes.

Yes, my Janay is home for a month!


I’ve hired her to work alongside me while she’s here, staging/decorating.  Her creativity, good eye and knack for original touches is just a bonus to the true gift of getting to spend time with this girl I’ve missed so much.

A little piece of heaven.

But I digress…

Two days ago, while she and I were staging an adorable town home, there was a Keller Williams event a half hour away for all of the KW realtors in this region.

Both of the realtors that I work for were there.

There were multiple speakers, but there was one couple that stood out for my two realtor friends.

A couple who had been pastors here in the area, had raised their children, and had heard of the horror of human trafficking that was going on in Southeast Asia, particularly Cambodia.  Moved to do something more than cry over the tragedy in that part of the world, they left everything to move to Cambodia and start a ministry that would attempt to rescue girls out of the sex trade and stop their perpetrators.

Do you see where this is going?

These speakers, this couple, were Don and Bridget Brewster, who founded Agape!

The organization that Janay works for in Cambodia!  

Don and Bridgette, who have been Janay’s mentors, biggest advocates and dear friends these past two years!

So while Janay was busy staging a property for my realtors, Liz and Deanna, they were listening to the people that made everything that Janay is doing over there possible!

– They got to hear firsthand what is going on, the number of girls that have been rescued, the number of perpetrators that have been prosecuted.

– The vast number of future horrors that have been prevented.

– They got to listen to amazing stories of the types of miracles God does, the crazy ways He pours out His love in forgotten, ignored, broken places.

What are the chances?

I’m telling you, I could envision God’s happy fingers spinning these circles toward each other, interconnecting worlds that otherwise would never have intersected!

Do you have goosebumps yet?

So that’s my story.  Short and sweet and, to me, absolutely incredible.

I just had to tell you.

I just had to tell on Jesus and His very, very mysterious and wonderful ways…. 🙂

Psalm 126:3 – Yes, the LORD has done amazing things for us! What joy!

Psalm 40:5 – O LORD my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list.

You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them.

Isaiah 45!5 – Truly, O God of Israel, our Savior, you work in mysterious ways.

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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