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stacie IE

Stacie IE.

That’s what I call her. (Because I also have a Stacy Y and a Stacey EY. 🙂 )

I loved her from the moment I met her in the title company she works for. Cute little face with an adorable pixie cut and the personality to go with it.  She had seen my work and asked if I would help her make some big changes in her home. Little did I know the change she would create in my life.

How can you (and why would you?) say no to a gal like Stacie IE? She literally had me at hello. And so began our journey.

She is one of those people who was brave enough to transition from client status to friend.  What’s scarier – trusting someone with your house or trusting someone with your heart?

Stacie chose to do both.  And I’m so very grateful.


Stacie IE. This girl.  Don’t let that pretty face fool you.  She is so gutsy that she asks the tough and ugly questions even if she doesn’t really want to know the answer.  Her quest for truth takes her heart to the dangerous waters of depth and raw honesty that few leave their comfort zones to discover. She pushes straight through the bull crap of facade and doesn’t stop ’til she gets to truth.

As a result, her heart grows in leaps and bounds, not held back by fear or indecision or people pleasing. Her faith follows suit and has led her to do courageous things and pray for the impossible.  She challenges me with her questions and absolutely delights me with her insights.

Stacie IE is the real deal.

She is the great encourager, and her heart is so warm that it infuses through her hands and hugs and lands like a favorite blanket on my shoulders.  On my soul.

We generally only get about an hour together at a time.  Just enough time to tell our stories, share our dreams and pray for each other.  Then it’s back to our own little worlds.  But I always, always, always feel better after 60 minutes in her presence. The room just smells good after she leaves, and I don’t think it’s just her lovely perfume. 🙂

 – Do you have a Stacie IE in your life?  Someone who challenges you?  Who isn’t afraid of the truth?

 – Someone who lives to encourage and extend warmth in the most practical and authentic ways possible?

 – Someone who prays with and for you and graces your life with just 60 minutes of togetherness?

Let’s all be a Stacie IE to someone in our life this weekend.  Blending truth and warmth into a beautiful fragrance, that lingers even after we’ve left the room.

Proverbs 27:9 – The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense…

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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