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Goodbye and Hello

Change is in the air. January came with its post-Christmas blues and blown budget hangover.   Festive lights were removed, dead trees were discarded and decorations were tucked back into their rest-of-the-year beds and shoved to the back of our attics. And the...

I Don't Know…A LOT!!!!

My new friend, Laura, got to see me in a less than complimentary state today.  My oh-my-gosh-I-have-no-idea-what-you’re-talking-about face made a grand appearance and lasted for a solid two hours. The list of things I actually know about professional blogging...

Into The Unknown

I brought my bundle of joy home from the hospital yesterday. I held her close to my chest, more thankful for her than ever before. Never again would I take a single moment with her for granted. I’m speaking, of course, about my MacBook Pro. And just in the nick...

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There is something wonderful that happens at the end of our rope….. Just when you feel like you are barely hanging on by the last unraveling fringe, Jesus reminds us that we were never supposed to be hanging on to the rope in the first place. And He asks us to...

Whirlwind Weekend

There is no way to capture all that this past weekend meant to me or how much fun was had. But a few words come to mind… Gratitude Friendship Reunion Joy I got the sweet opportunity to go to Parker, Colorado and help with a “changing of the guard”...

Beyond The Front Porch

“The Front Porch” sale that we held over the weekend was a HUGE success!  If you weren’t able to make it this time, don’t worry.  We’ll be doing this on a semi-regular basis. (Thank you, Lori, for sharing your beautiful wrap-around porch...