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Waiting In The Silence

I can’t hear You. Is it because You are choosing to be silent or because the noise inside and out has numbed my ears to Your “still, small voice”? Has my tendency to run ahead like an excited child taken me out of the range of hearing my...

What You'll Say When You Find Yourself Between My Ears

“Get me out of here!” You won’t expect to say that, of course. I’m sure before you stepped in you thought there would be plenty of space to rest and relax.  You may have even thought you might want to live here for a time, curious about the...

And Now, A Word From Janay…

Good morning!!!! Today’s post is from my daughter, Janay, in Cambodia. It corresponded so closely to what I was reading today about Jesus weeping with those He loved in their grief (John 11) that I couldn’t help but share. (She will be home for a month at...

In The Cracks And Between The Lines

I’m standing here in front of the mirror.  Counting lines and frowning at the number.  I quickly stop myself from frowning, knowing that will only add to the sum of these unwelcome parts. And while I’m left wondering when and where the next will show up, I...

When All You Have Is Tuna, Bagels, Water and Rocks

I have a few cans of tuna and some bagels in my cupboard (and at this point, not a heck of a lot more!) Do you think that’s close enough to five loaves and two fish? There are also a few remaining bottles of water in my fridge. Good material for wine making?...