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Tonight Britt and Abby’s boyfriends and their parents are coming to dinner.  I’m excited! Of course there is huge potential for completely embarrassing my children.  I’m sure I will be getting some instruction this afternoon about how to and not to act, what to say and not say.  Inevitably, though unintentionally, I will somehow humiliate myself or them, or both.  But why should tonight be different than any other day?

We have become good friends with Paul’s (Abby’s boyfriend) parents.  We have only met Brendan’s parents once, but I’m sure that will be great, too.  It’s gonna be so fun to all be together and see what the dynamic is like.  I guarantee it will be really loud, really fun, and that there will be a lot of laughter.  Doesn’t that sound like a good night?

And I really will try to behave myself…:-)

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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