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I had a dream about death last night.  The details aren’t important (though, again, they were very vivid) but it got me to thinking…

As I lay in bed after the dream, regaining my composure and my breath, I thought about what I would love for my funeral to be like. Don’t be creeped out, this is good stuff 🙂  First of all, I wouldn’t want it to be called a funeral or a memorial service.  Yuck!  It should be called a celebration of life.  Lots of M&Ms (all kinds for all lovers of M&Ms), lots of music, dancing, laughing, remembering.  A party.  A celebration of the amazing life God has given me here on earth and a huge hooray for the life that I will then be enjoying in heaven.  It can’t be a sad event (okay, well I guess it would be nice if you did cry a little).  I want people who don’t know Jesus yet, to be able to hear, maybe for the first time, how much I loved him and was loved by him.  How incredible and amazing and intimate and passionate and gentle and fierce his love is for them. 

Are you freaked out?  Please don’t be.  I have no idea what the dream meant, if it meant anything.  God will not take me home until I fully wring out every wonderful minute of the life he has given me.  Until I fully love all the amazing people that he has put in my path.  Until I have experienced every incredible opportunity he has asked me to join him in.  And when he does call me, I will be ready. 🙂 Just promise me there will be M&Ms…

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xo, jana




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