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So far we’ve covered four kids and a husband.  Guess it’s all Blake now.  Sorry, bud.  Nothing personal…you are just the youngest (and don’t live in heaven!) You know I love you:-)

1993 – Renton, Washington

Life was good and starting to get easier.  Her girls were past the toddler stage and played together for hours, entertaining each other effortlessly.  They were great friends and she looked on in admiration, finally getting a glimpse of what it would have been like to have sisters.  Her mommy heart was full to the brim…well, nearly…

She could not shake the thought that she would love to have one more baby.  Her arms were starting to feel empty now that the girls were so active and were harder to chase down for serious cuddling time.  Of course, she didn’t have a logical reason to have another baby.  She just WANTED one.  Her husband, however, was not really sold on the idea.  He was more than thrilled with his three girls and felt like they were a complete family.  Thankfully, God made the decision for them.

It was early spring when she started feeling that very familiar feeling of nausea.  She pulled out the yellow pages to look for the name of an obstetrician.   She made an appointment and got distracted before she could put away the phone book.  And this was how her hubby found out that baby four was on the way.  In shock, he was silent for a week.  Not a natural thing for a communications major who loves conversation.She, on the other hand, was thrilled this time!  Another baby to love…

Several months passed and he began getting used to the idea.The day of the highly anticipated ultrasound came quickly.  The whole family went to the doctor’s office to discover together if this baby was a brother or a sister.  The girls were giggly and wiggly.  But as they walked into the office they realized that they had forgotten a video tape to record the moment.  So daddy ran to get one.  The nurse directed the rest of the family into a small room, where mommy clumsily crawled onto a table and got into position.  After instructions to the nurse to please wait to reveal the surprise until her husband returned, they began the ultrasound.  So amazing.  The girls were enthralled.   And then the nurse did it.  She totally blew the secret and just blurted out that it was a boy. 

Daddy was not back yet, so mommy quickly gave instructions to the girls to NOT tell him that it was a boy.  To let him see it on the ultrasound. They agreed.  Moments later daddy came through the door.  And the littlest sister whispered to him, “it has a penis”.  They had to give her credit – she hadn’t said it was a boy…

Needless to say, daddy went home and did the happy dance in the front yard for all the neighbors to see.  Though he would have been thrilled with a fourth daughter, knowing that he was going to have a son took him right over the edge! And he got to pick the name – Blake Hilton. (Hilton being passed down for generations.  No it was not where he was conceived..)

The duration of the pregnancy was uneventful in terms of health.  There were things going on in their world, though, that saddened them inspite of their excitement.  Daddy’s brother was near death’s door at age 29.  Their last visit to see him was just weeks before Blake was born.  He was so sick that he didn’t even have the strength to be able to talk. With tears streaming down his face, he placed his frail hand on her huge belly.  He knew he would not live to meet his nephew.  And it broke his heart.  And hers.

Days later, the precious young man died, now leaving baby Blake to carry the family name.  A huge responsibility and incredible honor for someone who had not yet taken his first breath.

December 28 – Her water broke in a movie theater, but it was a slow leak, and since this was number four, she was determined to finish the movie.  After spending the night in the hospital, the contractions became excruciating.  And she had her first experience with an epidural.  She nearly kissed her anesthesiologist.

With no pain now, and fully relaxed she pushed a couple of times and the 8 lb. 3 oz. boy came into their world.  His face was full of dimples and through the tears, she couldn’t  help but smile.  He was so beautiful.  Their son. The doctor held him up in the air for his parents to admire, and precious Blake promptly peed all over his mommy’s hospital gown, as if to say, “Yep, you got your boy!”

Life with a boy was wonderful and completely different.  He was louder and more physical than the girls.  His mother kept asking, “Is this what boys do?”  And he had her completely wrapped around his little tiny finger. 

When he was two and a half, his baby brother went to be with Jesus.  He loved those 15 days that he got to be the big brother.  He held his baby every moment he was awake with a huge silly grin on his face.  He would say, “you are the best brother I ever saw!”  When baby brother died, his arms felt empty just like mommy and daddy’s.  So he would let mommy hold him in her lap for hours in the rocking chair and sing and cry a little.  He was his mommy’s saving grace.

As he grew it became apparent that he would be a leader.  An athlete.  A musician.  And hilarious.  Laughter was a drug for him and he thrived on entertaining people.  From age two, he had people in stitches. A joy.

The little dimple faced boy has become a six foot young man covered with hair and muscles.  But he still has the sensitive heart and the fabulous sense of humor that still make people want to be with him.  He is at ease with girls, having grown up with a house full of women.  He has an intense love for his family and our family traditions.  We could not be more proud of you, bud.  Thanks for your heart and your amazing hugs that always seem to come around at just the right time.  Crazy love you.

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xo, jana




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