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I got to help with a birthday party for my friend’s son today.  It was so much fun.  The energy of eight, nine and ten year olds is amazing and the conversations so sweet and funny.  It was a wonderful day.  And there were balloons!!!

After the party was pretty much over, I sat and talked with my friends.  So great.  There is something wonderful and powerful about connection and good conversation and experiencing mutual appreciation and understanding.  Even though we have only known each other for a few short months, we thoroughly enjoy hanging out and laughing and talking.  Just so great. 

So it was a big and wonderful day and i found myself fully spent at the end of it.  As I headed home, I realized that I had a huge creative project that needed to be done for church tomorrow.  I had been brainstorming the past couple of days  about the direction I wanted to go with it, but didn’t know if I’d be able to pull it all off, trying to be frugal and also wanting it to be pleasing to the eye.  I was hoping that I wasn’t too tired to think straight.  Randomness tends to increase when I get sleepy…

So I prayed. And I love what Jesus does when we ask him for a little help.  He helps me think outside the box and see things differently. It only makes sense since he is the master of creativity.  It was crazy.  I looked around the house and suddenly saw exactly what I needed in exactly the right numbers and amounts.  I love that!  It’s like we were on a treasure hunt together.  He would give me clues and then let me find stuff.  So so cool. 

Tomorrow the ministry tables will be set up for people to ask questions and sign up to serve others.  And they may or may not notice how they are decorated and will probably not know the thought that went into it.  And they definitely won’t know how much fun Jesus and I had working on it.  But YOU will!!!!

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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