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Take this cup

I lift it up

Please take this cup from me

The pain is more than I can bear

The weight is crushing me

You used these words in a garden

Falling on your knees

Take this cup

I lift it up

Oh, Father, take it please

Yet, not my will

But yours be done

In what you ask of me

I trust your hand upon my life

To give me what I need

The strength to taste what’s in this cup

The will to drink it down

The perseverance in my soul

To swallow and not drown

The words were yours, my Savior

Emotions raw and true

So let the same words now be mine

So I can be like You

Take this cup

I lift it up

Please take this cup from me

Yet not my will but Yours be done

Whatever that may be…

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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