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Blake and I were just in a car accident.  We were sideswiped at full speed by a 16 year old who was under the influence.  Everyone is okay, but I am definitely shaken.

The car carried four teenagers, two of whom fled the scene.  One boy remained and pulled the driver, a girl, out of the car.  Blake and I pulled into the church parking lot close to the scene and got out to make sure the the two teens were okay.  The girl seemed to just be coming to, and was talking a little crazy and incoherently – clearly dazed and frightened by what had happened.  The boy with her said that they were driving and smoking “spice” to get high.  When they approached their red light, he told her to stop and instead she got a glazed look on her face and laid on the gas pedal, thus hitting us and scraping along Blake’s side of the car.  It terrifies me to think what could have happened.  Jesus had our angels working over time.

The police and ambulance got there quickly.  Thankfully, no one was hurt.  But I got a pit in my stomach when I saw the girl’s mom arrive.  She would have to take in the information of not only the accident, but the charges.  And my heart went out to her.  I waited for the right moment to be able to talk to her, but she left before I got the chance.  My prayer is that this will be a time of healing for mother and daughter and anyone else involved.  I am asking Jesus to reveal to her His sweet protection and chance for a fresh start.  I have seen Him do such things….:-)

Sometimes we take those trips home from school for granted, assuming that we will get home uneventfully.  Today was a reminder that we cannot take a single second of life for granted and that each day we are given is a huge, huge gift.  Thank you, Jesus, for life….

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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