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Put a fork in me…I just got done.  Seventeen hours of painting in two days…gonna be good to see my chiropractor tomorrow 🙂

The house is looking great and I will take pics to put up tomorrow after all the final pieces are in place.  The colors turned out absolutely beautiful, which might not show up well in pics, but we’ll see.

New tip for today (it’s so awesome working alongside a professional!):

When you are needing to paint into a corner with two different colors meeting, or if you are painting along the ceiling or along molding, first tape it off.  That is always what I have done, but it hasn’t been working as well lately with the high textured walls.  Bleed through occurs, and thus, not a clean line.  But if you caulk along the line of the tape and smooth it with your finger and then paint over it, you will get a perfect, beautiful line every time!  It fills in all the gaps so there are no lumpy bumpies.  So now I have something new that I can add to my decorating resume. 🙂

Tomorrow I finish the job and Samantha gets home to see it tomorrow night.  I would love to see her reaction, but don’t know if I will be able to.  Either way, I can hardly wait!  She has no idea what she’s coming home to, but I know she’s gonna be thrilled!  And that just completely makes my day 🙂

I love my job!!!! God is really, really good….

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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