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Isaiah 40:11 – “He tends his flock like a shepherd:  He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”

I love this picture.  Remember all those pictures from when we were kids of Jesus holding the lamb with the sheep surrounding Him?  I have a little different picture in my head.  My mind went straight to the word “gathers”.  When we gather something, we have to bend down to the level of what we are gathering.  Jesus did that when He came to earth.  He came down to our level to gather His lambs.  Before He could hold us, He met us where we were at.  That speaks so clearly of humility and a love so deep.

I also love how He refers to us as lambs.  Baby sheep.  Sheep tend to wander off and get distracted and lost.  But Jesus’ heart was drawn to little ones, as seen in scripture when He would tell His disciples that they needed to come to Him as little children.  He loved their innocence, their dependence upon Him, their ability to love and be loved, their tender hearts.  And that’s what I picture with the lamb.  A content little sheep, resting completely in Jesus’ arms.  Not struggling to get down and run.  Not afraid.  But fully content, knowing there was no safer place than in his Shepherd’s arms.

And not only does the Shepherd hold us in His arms, but he “carries (us) close to His heart.”   How awesome is that?  He carries us throughout our crazy days and if we take the time to listen, we can hear His heart.  When I was little, I loved to fall asleep listening to my daddy’s heart, with my head resting against his chest. It was soothing.  It was the sound of safety and security and peace. That’s the mental image I get of the little lamb.  Nestled in, secure in the sound of his Shepherd’s heartbeat.  Moving forward, carried by his Master.

I have lots to do in the next week in preparation for Brittany and Brendan’s wedding.  I could easily be the distracted “mature” sheep, running around in circles, losing sight of Jesus, my Shepherd.  But my prayer right this minute, is that I would be the lamb, gathered, carried and nestled in His arms as I go about these crazy days.  And that in that place, I would continually look up into the beautiful face of the One that holds me…..

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xo, jana




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