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Mark left for the airport again this morning.  So we headed to Abby’s Starbucks before he headed out.  It was a great time of concentrated, focused conversation about life and faith.  One of those good conversations that only happens when the distractions of life are put aside.  Good stuff.  So good.

I took my laptop with me so that when he left, I could work on my book.  I am finding that the further away I am from all the chores and duties that call my name, the less likely that my ADD will kick in and I will have a fighting chance at getting actual writing done.  The chatter of the coffee shop serves as white noise for me and in some strange way helps me focus.  Well, most of the time any way…

Today, one of Abby’s coworkers was going on her break just as Mark was leaving.  She is an awesome gal, about my age whom I’ve gotten to know just by frequenting the store.  I invited her to join me on the “comfy” chairs that are a rare commodity for the Starbucks crowd.  And I am thanking Jesus that those two simple leather chairs were available today.

She opened up her precious heart and shared a little bit of her life with me.  As much as a half hour break would allow.  We talked about motherhood, children with illnesses and faith.  I don’t think she knows Jesus personally yet, but she was literally on the edge of her seat as she listened to me share a little about Him.  And that is always amazing to me.  How God can take a simple conversation and a listening ear, and can take 30 minutes and create a richness that normally would take much longer to create.

God loves people.  He loves relationship.  And when He is part of both of those, amazing things happen.  And every day I am experiencing more and more that all it really takes on my part is availability, two listening ears, and two eyes looking straight into another person’s to find their heart.  And then just let God do His thing.  I am amazed every single time.

I haven’t gotten as much done on my book as I would have liked.  But as I told a friend of mine this morning, I had a wonderful morning of  “non-traditional” worship.  And God was sitting right here with us.  In a brown leather chair by the window.  At Starbucks.

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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