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Frenzy Wednesday.  It almost rhymes.  The day before Thanksgiving.  It’s a little like Christmas Eve but without carols playing in the background.  I am declaring it a new holiday.  Maybe then I’ll enjoy it a little more…

You know the drill.  Running around like a crazy person, baking, cleaning, preparing.  Changing sheets on beds for company.  Now add to that my inexplicable need to take on unnecessary projects when I feel overwhelmed.  Like painting a man cave and its adjoining bathroom.  Who does that???  It’s like some sick rebellion from doing what needs to be done and escaping to my creative side for a while.

But I will no longer look at the Wednesday before Thanksgiving as a chore.  It’s a holiday!  The holiday that gets things ready for a day of deliberate thankfulness.  A day when the house smells like a home with all of the delicious aromas of pies and homemade rolls.  When candles are burning and music is playing as a background for all the preparations.  When fresh linens are laid out and smell of clean cotton.  When the table is set with decorations and cloth napkins.  When loved ones are picked up from the airport and hugged and loved from the bottom of your heart.

Frenzy Wednesday.  A very full day that will end in exhaustion and a very satisfied smile as you drift off to sleep.  No matter what yours looks like today, I hope that you enjoy every little bit of it.  Even the crazy, overwhelming parts.  Because all of the prep is half of the fun.  And even if it doesn’t all get done, it will still be Thanksgiving tomorrow.  And that is a really good thing…

Happy Frenzy Wednesday!!!!

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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