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We have a houseful of family this week.  Mark’s side of the family has been here since Christmas Eve and will be here ’til the 30th.  Lots of stories, laughter, love and noise in these walls this week!  So thankful for a time to catch up with and love on extended family for a few days.  God has blessed me with a “second family” for the past thirty years that continues to amaze me today.  As I am writing this I can hear my dad-in-law in the background reading  bible verses quietly with my mom-in-law.  A most loving, good and devoted man.  Tears are streaming down my face as I listen to this sweetness going on.

Today is my sis-in-law’s birthday and it will be a day filled with girls-day-out stuff.  Pedicures, coffee and shopping.  Followed by a birthday celebration at dinner for Lynne, Blake and Mark with birthdays today, tomorrow and the following day.

All that to say, I am busy, busy, busy in the middle of a houseful of love.  So my writing will be little if anything this week.  But I’ll be back.  Hopefully, with things that God has taught me in this crazy, busy, wonderful week.


Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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