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(Miss all the family that just left my house today.  What a great time of loving, laughing, crying and sharing hearts.  Thank you, thank you.  I love you all…)

A good, deep weary fills my bones

Reminding my body and soul

That good, deep talks have filled my home

Great love taking its toll

Emotions spent, and spent so well

A sweet investment made

Body worn from little sleep

A price I gladly paid

A few more wrinkles from the laughs

Eyes red and sore from tears

A few more pounds from chocolate shared

But no such things I fear

For love was bouncing off the walls

Loud and fierce and strong

Leaving marks with every hit

That will last a lifetime long

I’ve heard it said that love is blind

A good thing, I suppose

Then maybe those I love won’t see

My swollen eyes and bright red nose

A good, deep weary fills my bones

I let out a thankful sigh

Once more sweet love has left its mark

On those I love and I….(I know, I know….it should be “me”…)



Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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