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We are all in a war of some kind.  Trouble and heartache that pull at our souls and wage battle on our minds. Things that can threaten to destroy us.  But God has deemed us warriors, protected by the incredible armor of everything He has given us to win these battles.  Victory is ours…

Be still my soul, for God is on my side

The enemy is real but this warrior will not hide

Though fear and doubt would taunt me

Bring out their weapons fierce

I wear a coat of armor

That their weapons cannot pierce

A warrior’s belt of  truth

Wrapped around my core

Gives all the strength and full support

To make my victory sure.

A breastplate of the holiness

That God has placed on me

Protects my heart from evil

And foul anxiety.

My feet are custom fitted

With the shoes of precious peace

Protecting every step I take

Though the battle may increase

In my hand, a mighty shield

Composed of boundless faith

Extinguishing the flaming arrows

The enemy sends my way.

The helmet of my salvation

Placed tightly on my head

Protects my mind and all my thoughts

From the nemesis of dread.

And in my belt of truth

Is a sword so tried and true

The word of God, right by my side

That cuts every lie in two.

Be still my soul, for God is on my side

He’s given everything I need so I don’t have to hide

A warrior dressed for battle

A soldier off to war

Victory will be my cry

This battle is the Lord’s…

John 16:33 – “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (Jesus)




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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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